Through flashbacks that describe the pre-war lives of each trapped soldier, the film describes life in former Yugoslavia and tries to give a view as to why former neighbours and friends turned on each other. PRETTY VILLAGE, PRETTY FLAME (LEPA SELA LEPO GORE) (director/writer: Srdjan Dragojevic screenwriters: from war reports by Vanja Bulic/Nikola Pejakovic cinematographer: Dusan Joksimovic editor: Petar Markovic cast: Dragan Bjelogrlic (Milan), Nikola Pejakovic (Halil), Nikola Kojo (Velja), Milorad Mandic (Viljuska), Lisa Mancure (Lisa), Dragan Maksimovic (Petar), Zoran Cvijanovic (Brzi.

The film's screenplay is based on an article written by Vanja Bulic for Duga magazine about the actual event. This equates to approximately 8 of the total country's population at.
It is considered a modern classic of Serbian cinema.citation needed Almost 800,000 people went to see the movie in cinemas across Serbia.

The plot, inspired by real life events that took place in the opening stages of the Bosnian War, tells a story about small group of Serbian soldiers trapped in a tunnel by a Muslim force. Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (Serbian: Lepa sela lepo gore) is a 1996 Serbian film directed by Srdan Dragojevic that gave uniquely bleak yet darkly humorous account of the Bosnian War. In the hospital they remember their youth and the war. This equates to approximately 8% of the total country's population at the time of the film's release. LEPA SELA LEPO GORE PRETTY VILLAGES, PRETTY FLAME, 1996 SRJ (DVD) film Srdjana Dragojevica Beschreibung: The film starts in the Belgrade army hospital where casualties of Bosnian civil war are treated. Almost 800,000 people went to see the movie in cinemas across Serbia. It is considered a modern classic of Serbian cinema. One of the greatest movies I've ever seen A brilliant tragi-comedy to reflect on the absurdity of war, especially civil war, where neighbors and former friends fight each other. Read reviews, check member ratings of Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (aka Lepa sela lepo gore) movie.

MeÄu iscrpelim srpskim borcima naĹĄla se i jedna zalutala ameriÄka novinarka.Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (Serbian: Lepa sela lepo gore) is a 1996 Serbian film directed by Srdan Dragojevic that gave uniquely bleak yet darkly humorous account of the Bosnian War. Rent Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (aka Lepa sela lepo gore) (1995) film for FREE as part of our trial offer. Kao deca se nisu usudili da uÄu u tunel, jer su verovali da tamo boravi âdrekavac".ĭvanaest godina kasnije, tokom rata u Bosni, Milan, zarobljen u tunelu sa svojim saborcima, i Halil nalaze se na suprotnim stranama, sudbinski srljajuÄi u sukob. Lepa sela lepo gore 1996 Your browser indicates if you've visited this linkhttps upwiththebirds-jolene blogspot com/2018/01/lepa. PriÄa se vrti oko dvojice deÄaka, Halila - BoĹĄnjaka, i Milana - Srbina, koji su odrasli zajedno u selu blizu napuĹĄtenog tunela. U bolnici se filmski junaci seÄaju mladosti i rata. Radnja filma poÄinje u jednoj beogradskoj vojnoj bolnici gde su smeĹĄteni ranjenici rata u Bosni. But one of the most remarkable is 'Pretty Village, Pretty Flame' ('Lepa Sela, Lepo Gore'), a Serbian-made movie in which the members of a Serbian patrol and an American journalist find themselves.

But the authors were smarter, so they did what Verhoeven did with 'Starship Troopers'- an all-out SF action for the masses and clever satire for the classes. Film je bio srpski kandidat za Oskara, za najbolji film van engleskog govornog podruÄja za 1996. At first sight, the movie looks as pure Milosevic's propaganda and it's obvious why is that. Film je snimljen prema istinitom dogaÄaju kada su 11 srpskih vojnika bili devet dana okruĹženi u 97 metara dugom tunelu kod ViĹĄegrada u septembru 1992. A(z) 'Lepa sela lepo gore' cm videt 'szpray' nev felhasznl tlttte fel a(z) 'kreatv' kategriba.